Section One: Personal Information

Other Phone Number:


Section Two: Emergency Contact Information

Phone Number:
Other Phone Number:

Section Three: References

Professional Reference Name:
Phone Number:
Do you know any past or current PTB staff member(s) who can give a definite statement of your character?:

Section Four: Qualifications & Experience

Highest level of education completed:
Areas of Study:
Other Education Completed:
Please describe your professional or volunteer experience as it relates to Power To Be:
Current First Aid Certificate?:
First Aid Level:
Paddling Certifications?
Which One(s)?:
Other certificates (i.e. NLS, Bronze Cross, Food Safe, etc.)
Please describe your experience working with youth and/or families:
Please describe your experience working with people with disabilities or other barriers:
Please describe any other special skills or talents you possess:
Please list your interests or hobbies:

Section Five: Expectations

Why are you interested in volunteering with us?:

Section Six: Interest & Availability What city would you like to volunteer in?:Please select all that apply. You can select additional items by holding ctrl/command and clicking on the option.
What opportunities interest you?:Please select all that apply. You can select additional items by holding ctrl/command and clicking on the option.
How many days per month would you like to volunteer?:
Other (please specify):

Section Seven: Other Information

How did you hear about volunteering at Power to Be?:

Please list any allergies:
Do you have medical concerns/conditions of specific support need that we may need to accommodate?:
Please specify support needs.:
Have you ever been charged with a criminal offence relating children/youth,vulnerable adults, violence, of a sexual nature, fraud/financial or that may otherwise require our consideration?:
Do you agree to undergo the required criminal record and vulnerable sector check as a part of the application?:
Do you have any other questions?:

Section Eight: Communication Consent

I would like to receive emails related to volunteering with Power To Be.:
I would like to receive Power to Be's monthly's newsletter. :
I would like to receive emails about fundraising, event and other opportunities. :

Power To Be respects your privacy. You can unsubscribe from our email list or change your preferences at any time.