Summit Leadership Program treks to China Beach

“He seemed like a guy who really wanted to do it,” Sadie says. “I really wanted to help him and see what we could do and just how his experience would be.”

“This guy was full of life and really excited,” Shaheen adds. “It was really cool.”


With the support of Power To Be staff, the group took turns guiding him to the beach.  “We got to help him roll down hills and climb up stairs,” Sadie says. “It was all about letting him have a great time.”


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The Summit Leadership Program is designed to reengage Wilderness School graduates with curriculum aimed at increasing their outdoor knowledge and leadership skills, along with providing opportunities for the youth to give back to their community.  


“It was important to be there just so you can get a look at how things are different for people and how anyone can do pretty much anything if they have enough support,” Sadie says.


“I’m in it now to give back,” Shaheen says. “Opportunities like this teach people to be accepting.”


– Story shared by Sadie and Shaheen