Power To Be uses a Theory Of Change framework as an evaluation tool that looks at the intricacies of people and how they change behaviourally, physically, and socially. Our program theory of change is: Power To Be’s participants’ sense of self and community is positively increased by removing barriers to access nature-based programs”. To achieve this change, our programming approach is guided by 8 outcomes to support growth and impact in our participants.

Creating a sense of belonging is the heart and soul of Power To Be. We believe that Everyone Belongs in Nature, which means our nature-based programs are meant to be a space where everyone can be their authentic selves. This outcome of our Theory of Change looks for participants to feel welcome and included in all aspects of a program, and for it to be a space where they feel comfortable expressing themselves, sharing stories and growing through challenge and shared vulnerability. Our experience and our hope is that this creates a deep and unique level of connection to Power To Be that stays with folks long past their direct involvement with the organization.

“Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be to be accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.”

― Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection

Recently one participant described elements of Power To Be that they believe supports people in having this sense of belonging. This included empowering participants by helping them gain confidence, emphasizing going at your own pace with no judgement, and providing the support and freedom to try new things. During the COVID-19 pandemic this has also meant providing opportunity for folks to connect outside of their bubble to learn, share, laugh and work through emotions and challenges together. This has been the success of many of our virtual programs – an accessible space to drop in when needed with no expectations. We have also leaned into new and creative ways to connect with participants such as snail mail, or individualized programs – exploring the best way to meet our community where they are at. We are also so grateful to have seen the reciprocal action of participants rallying to support Power To Be, whether that is writing letters of support for grant applications, bringing together a team for our Power To Summit fundraiser, or taking the time to just check in. We are thankful for this community that we all belong in! Join us for a virtual opening circle through the link below to experience one of the ways we create a welcoming space for everyone!