Power To Be uses a Theory Of Change framework as an evaluation tool that looks at the intricacies of people and how they change behaviourally, physically, and socially. Our program theory of change is: “Power To Be’s participants’ sense of self and community is positively increased by removing barriers to access nature-based programs”. To achieve this change, our programming approach is guided by 8 outcomes to support growth and impact in our participants.
We are strong believers that time spent in nature has the power to positively influence our mental, physical and spiritual health. Through our programs, we strive to support participants access these personal benefits by creating opportunities to be in nature. Our Nature Access outcome of our Theory of Change guides this programming approach and identifies different levels of achievement (known as indicators). As a baseline, this is as simple as offering programming in a natural space (going for a hike or a paddle, even playing games amongst the trees). To take it a step further we strive to introduce our participants to a new way of accessing nature that either was not accessible to them previously or they had yet to try. This could be teaching a family camping skills, bringing a participant group to a new hiking trail, or removing barriers to trying a new activity (barriers such as transportation, access to equipment, or knowledge of the activity). What we love to see is participants taking what they have learned with Power To Be and using this inspiration to access nature independent of programs.
With limitations on group sizes due to COVID restrictions, our focus in Vancouver has been on programming for households and individuals. This gave us a unique opportunity to provide adventures in participant’s own neighborhoods and provide opportunities to explore spaces they had never been before. One of the results from this program experience was participants leaving with a better understanding of the local area, and feeling more confident to access near-by parks without Power To Be. In a time when the healing benefits of nature are needed more than ever, we are thrilled to see more folks getting outside!
Participant“I realize it has been a long time since I have been in nature and I like it. There is value to me being in nature.”