Share about Power To Be’s #PathwayToPossibility

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  1. Click the “Download Image” button on any of the 3 photos featured below, right-click and “save image”.
  2. Copy one of the captions below and paste it into your social media post.
  3. Attach one of the photos you’ve saved and post!

*Photo can be posted to either Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Caption content and length has been altered for each social media platform.

Social Media Captions

  • Power To Be invites you to join them for a journey along the #pathwaytopossibility as they share inspiring and heartwarming stories of Power To Be participants and their families. Whether hiking, climbing, kayaking, canoeing, or camping, their participants continue to show us that, when we remove barriers, anything is possible. The healing benefits of nature are unmistakable —your donation will help to make nature accessible and inclusive for everyone. Learn more at 
  • Power To Be invites you to join them for a journey along the #pathwaytopossibility as they share inspiring and heartwarming stories of Power To Be participants and their families. Learn more and donate at 

Downloadable Cover Photos