$182,500 donated for inclusive recreation programs
On Sunday, May 24 in Elk/Beaver Lake Park, 33 teams from Victoriaʼs business community competed in Power To Play Victoria, presented by TD. The adventure race raised $182,500 in support of Power To Be’s programs. Proceeds will create greater opportunities for local youth and families living with a disability or barrier to access inclusive nature-based recreation programs.
“In its seven years, Power To Play has raised more than $500,000. That speaks volumes to the incredible generosity of our Victoria community,” says Tim Cormode, Power To Be Executive Director. “I am truly grateful to all of the racers, volunteers, sponsors and Power To Be staff who make this event possible. Together we truly are making a difference for the many participants we serve.”
As the clock ticked down on the three-and-a-half hour race, team members ran, climbed, swam and paddled through 10 kilometres of challenges. Racers were put to the mental and physical test, relying on good communication, co-operation and sound leadership within their teams.
Special mentions go to the top fundraising team from ScotiaMcLeod who received the overall Act Of Kindness Award for raising $12,800 in support of Power To Be and to Investors Group, the race winners finishing at 1:48:27. See the full list of winners.
Through the support of Power To Play Victoria, Power To Be will be able to offer programs to more than 1,000 youth and families this year.