Updated March 16, 2021
Dear Power To Be community,
In accordance with Dr. Henry’s health orders for BC, the PHO has amended the gathering and events order. Up to 10 people, the same 10, can gather outdoors. This news comes at a time when Power To Be has been working hard at developing our Spring programs and has been working closely with the BC Outdoor Sector to create guidelines to operate within our province. By listening to the interests of our community and refining our practice we feel ready. Ready to run our in-person outdoor programs in Victoria and Vancouver, ready to work with our partners in a safe fashion, and ready to work in the field to collaborate on initiatives that support the wider community. We will continue under the parameters with emphasis on households, one-to-one sessions, and small mixed groups as our programs and outreach model are considered an essential service to our participants and follow the parameters for recreation programs. We will operate within our COVID-19 Recovery and Redesign Plan and all our programs are supervised by adults.
What to expect:
(Please note each program is explored individually, on a case-by-case basis)
- Our outreach to our participants through phone calls, check-ins and one to one will continue
- Our virtual programs will continue, but may be modified as our Spring and Summer programs expand
- Our in-person programming will continue for people who live in households together, people looking for a one-to-one meet-up, and for our small group programs.
- We will be doing a screening of health and wellness before and after each program for all that participate, and masks will be always worn by our staff, volunteers and all participants not in a household bubble.
- Safety protocols will be in place to support our staff, volunteers and participants while on program, as per provincial health and safety guidelines.
We will be in direct contact with our staff, participants, community partners, and volunteers to check-in and stay connected and are always open to hearing from you, our community!
With Sincere Gratitude,
Carinna Kenigsberg
Director of Programs and Impact