Power To Be supporter gears up for 6th annual Spin4Kids

It only takes one person with one dynamic idea. Next, add a dash of initiative and you may ignite collective good will and the desire to pitch in.

Certainly, St. John’s, Newfoundland’s Dr. Richard Barter, GoodLife group cycling instructor and emergency room doctor, may not have foreseen the potential. He simply challenged two other clubs to hold a fundraising spin-a-thon. It was a little friendly philanthropic competition with monies raised going to GoodLife Kids Foundation.

Dr. Barter, the founder of Spin4kids, sparked a movement that six years later has become one of Canada’s largest one-day fitness fundraisers to help get kids physically active. It is a national event, this year taking place at more than 65 locations on March 4, 2017. Teams of up to eight raise funds, dress up, and get their spin on with other fitness classes for the day. What better way to raise funds to get kids moving, than by getting moving yourself!

Did you know that five to 17 year olds spend an average of 8.5 hours per day being sedentary? The minimum 60-minute requirement for Canadian kids is not being met by 91 per cent.

Power To Be is a proud GoodLife Kids 2016 grant recipient to assist with programming for kids with challenges and barriers to get active. We wish them every success in this year’s Spin4kids and their goal of raising $1.2 million.