Camping is one of the best activities that the west coast has to offer. Setting up a tent, sitting by the fire, sleeping under the stars; nothing quite compares to the peaceful adventure of being completely immersed in nature. However, many barriers can be associated with this experience, which limits the demographic of people who can take part in it.

In late August, Parks Canada made sure that everyone had access to this amazing experience by inviting Power To Be participants and their families to the Learn 2 Camp program in Cypress Provincial Park.

Participants engaged in hands-on skills, such as:

  • Putting up a tent,
  • Cooking and cleaning while camping
  • Respecting wildlife while in nature
  • How to make a delicious s’more

The fun-filled weekend was full of learning and laughs. The group eagerly absorbed all of the information provided by the BC Parks staff which will prepare them for a camping trip of their own.

To read the full story from BC Parks, click HERE.