A model that Power To Be has been piloting and testing over the last few years is called Have A Go events. A free community event where we facilitate in partnership with other service providers to offer a chance for people of all ages and abilities to come and enjoy a day of outdoor fun. One of our volunteers mentioned how many folks have expressed how great it is to “just show up and the rest will come to be”.

What started as a small group of people has now become an event where anywhere between 20-100 people attend. We invite people who are on our waitlist, community groups, referral partners, facilitation partners, and our active participants. This is also an opportunity where family members, close friends and one-to-one workers can come out together. During COVID’s peak we were unable to run these events so the fact that we could run three events this year is amazing. Some highlights have been seeing a family of 8 go hiking together for the first time, seeing a participant with a newly acquired injury smile with excitement after months of isolation, and seeing the anxiety levels of some kids decrease after joining our staff for a yoga or canoe activity. It’s only one day, but it has a large impact.

Spending a day at a Have A Go you have choices to participate in multiple activities ranging from canoeing, to hiking, to quiet activities like art or yoga. We also have other organizations showcasing their activities alongside ours in a ‘drop-in model’. There are sign-up sheets for some activities requiring instruction and adaptive equipment (like canoeing and hiking) and other activities are drop in for those that just want to casually enjoy the day.

Thanks to OneAbility this year we were given funds to support this event and support community collaboration. We were able to offer financial support to every organization who joined us in our Have A Go event which teaches our collective community about different accessible activities, and this model also helps to support capacity from a staffing side of things. These days are fun, dynamic, busy and carry so much value for us at Power To Be and our greater community.

The partners that have joined us this year brought unique activities, talented staff, and an open mind to look at inclusion and access within their own organizations as well. Our success is your success! Big thanks to OneAbility for supporting the Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association, Recreation Adapted Society,  Washington Kids Foundation, JB Williams– Traditional Knowledge Keeper and Story Sharer, Saanich Parks and Rec (donated their Frisbee Golf Set) to help us facilitate and other OneAbility members who came to check out the event from Rick Hansen Foundation and Play Beyond Expectations.



Next month we look forward to our last one of 2022. If you are a partner who would like to facilitate at our upcoming Have A Go day event on October 15th or if you want to be involved in the future let us know. We could not do these events without a great group of staff and volunteers, and the guidance from our participants about what they would like to do, what they need, and what we can do to make it all happen. We are hoping to make more of these opportunities happen next year and look forward to more collaborative adventures with our community!

This blog was written by Carinna Kenigsberg, Power To Be‘s Director of Programs & Impact. When she is not working, you can find her discovering mossy knolls with her adventurous boys and playful pup.