Pacific Yellowfin trip blends eco-education with family memories
It is not the sort of problem you would expect to have after a once-in-a-lifetime trip on the Pacific Yellowfin.
Let me explain how we found ourselves in such a predicament. Earlier this year, as I was browsing through the BC Children’s Oncology Parents group on Facebook, a post stood out. It mentioned a five-night trip on a yacht, called Pacific Yellowfin for oncology families that had been offered to Power To Be.
The purpose of the trip, so artfully made, was to discover the natural beauty in and about Desolation Sound while gaining insight into how much the environment had an impact on human development of the area, and how that ultimately the wildlife wins out. It was also a chance to connect as families through a shared adventure.
The trip was during the second week of June, which would be an ideal time for our family, coming to the first anniversary of the passing of our beautiful daughter Emma Grace. We put our name down for consideration, and jumped for joy two days later when we learned our family had been selected.