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Celebrating, learning, and becoming an environmental steward

Marnie, a Power To Be participant, was chosen to be a Butterfly Ranger volunteer in the Butterflyway Project with The David Suzuki Foundation. With a passion for the project and all things nature, Marnie discusses being a butterfly ranger, how Power To Be has contributed to her experiences in nature, and gives some tips on how to be a good environmental steward.

Western Screech-Owl study in partnership with Habitat Acquisition Trust

As part of our stewardship of the land at Prospect Lake, we want to support species’ habitats and population growth. That’s why we've partnered with Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT) to support their study of the current state of owl populations in our wooded areas — especially the Western Screech-Owl.

Sustainability Action with One Planet

Power To Be’s belief that ‘everyone belongs in nature’ is a core component of everything that we do, and every decision that we make as an organization. We understand that encouraging and supporting others to get outside and into nature can have an impact on our environment, and as such, we wish to mitigate our environmental and ecological footprint as best we can. We are proud to be taking sustainability action in our community by being a part of the One Planet Saanich initiative.