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Supporting local waters with Swim Drink Fish Canada

Power To Be is thrilled to be partnering with Swim Drink Fish, a Canadian charity organization dedicated to monitoring, restoring, and protecting local waters. Our Prospect Lake site is a new Water Monitoring Hub where Swim Drink Fish can conduct their water quality monitoring program.

Update: Western Screech Owl Boxes

This past year Power To Be has had the honour of working with wildlife biologist Joanna Preston. She inspired us to build nesting boxes for the endangered Screech Owl as you might have read about in a blog entry we shared earlier this year!

Working as One for One Planet

Power To Be joined One Planet Saanich a few years ago as a way to connect to our local neighbours and municipality members and to contribute to being a part of something together. Power To Be strives for authentic action, and the One Planet Action Plan framework provides ambitious sustainability objectives and goals throughout our organization.

Working With Purpose

Who doesn’t love spending the morning in a forest? Especially with a group of inspiring people working towards a common goal! This was my experience at my 1st  Power To Be  work party!

Stargazers Delight

Are you looking for an easy, accessible, and fun-filled activity? Nature is providing us with a free show this week.  Stargazers are in for a treat this week as the Perseid meteor shower is expected to dazzle the night’s sky.

Bags of Change

Do you regularly walk, roll or stroll around your neighbourhood, beach or forest? Are you searching for a way to make a direct impact on our communities and see change right before our eyes? Well, I encourage you to considering ‘plalking’! plalking: picking up trash while walking.