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Power To Be’s Quarterly Impact Report – Q2 2023

This spring, as wildlife remerged and flowers bloomed, we found new and collaborative ways to spread our mission and share our site with the larger community. As laughter echoed through the trees, we embraced the spirit of spring and dove into exploration and adventure at Power To Be. Check out our Q2 Impact Report to learn more about our programs, collaborations, upcoming events, and community impact!

The Peterson Family Foundation: Accessibility and the Vision for the Future

Ryan Peterson advocates for inclusion and leverages his creative thinking to drive change in the area of accessibility.  Ryan, a prominent name in the BC tech industry, and his wife Monica have a passion for inclusion and accessibility.  They established the Peterson Family Foundation to champion a world where barriers are removed, creating an environment that inspires creativity and possibility.  

Power To Be’s Quarterly Impact Report – Q1 2023

In Fall 2022, Power To Be enjoyed lots of time learning and exploring in nature. Our programs were in full swing this fall with tons of adventures, collaborations, and behind-the-scenes action happening at Power To Be. The team is feeling settled in our new home, with staff, participants, and volunteers using the site as we discover the potential of our new buildings and its resources.

Power To Be’s Quarterly Impact Report – Q4 2022

In Fall 2022, Power To Be enjoyed lots of time learning and exploring in nature. Our programs were in full swing this fall with tons of adventures, collaborations, and behind-the-scenes action happening at Power To Be. The team is feeling settled in our new home, with staff, participants, and volunteers using the site as we discover the potential of our new buildings and its resources.

Power To Be’s Quarterly Impact Report – Q3 2022

This quarter, we’ve been embracing the warmth and fun activities of the summer! In addition to our daytime programs of paddling, hiking, and exploring, we’ve had overnight adventures in both Victoria and Vancouver to enjoy the beauty of nature at night.