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The Impact of Paddleboards on Power To Be’s Programs: A Reflection by Paul

At Power To Be, we are constantly striving to enhance our programs and provide meaningful experiences for our participants. One of the most significant additions to our toolkit has been the paddleboards, generously funded by the Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Woodward’s Foundation. These paddleboards have not only expanded our program offerings but have also had a profound impact on our community.

Bid for Adventure: Power To Be’s 2024 Silent Auction is LIVE!

Our 2024 Silent Auction is LIVE! From November 13th until November 21st, at 7pm PST, you have a chance to place the winning bid on more than 90 incredible packages! From extraordinary experiences to unique items, we hope our auction will inspire adventure, connection, and joy.

Power To Be’s Quarterly Impact Report – Q3 2024

Hello! My name is Mike Kucherawy and I’ve been involved with Power To Be for over 15 years. It’s amazing to think back and admire how far Power To Be has come, and how many families have been enriched by this great team over the years. I love how the vision continues to grow over time, to include bigger goals and have a farther reach in terms of connection and support. I became a monthly donor because I know what an important part of our community Power To Be is, and I hope they are still thriving for generations to come.

Adaptive Foundations Program: Shaking up Old Narratives

The outdoor sector has always attracted incredible people. Folks who love and care about nature, those who seek adventure and are driven to push their comfort zones, and others who thrive on teaching and witnessing people’s skill and confidence grow. However, there are significant representation gaps in who shows up to work in the outdoor sector. How do people with different abilities, needs, and backgrounds see themselves in this incredible sector?
Pathway To Possibility

What Comes Next: 10 Years with Power To Be

As I look back at my 10 years with Power To Be – as a participant, then volunteer, and now practicum student – I never would have known how inspirational Power To Be would become in my life journey. After graduating from Wilderness School at Power To Be in 2016, I pursued paramedic school and firefighter training, and am now entering my final year of my Bachelor of Social Work program. None of this would have been possible without the leadership practice and skill development I learned at Power To Be.

Power To Be’s Quarterly Impact Report – Q2 2024

Hi there! My name is Josée, and I’ve been volunteering with Power To Be for 21 years. What has kept me here is that through all the growth, transition, and change, Power To Be has been able to stay true to its mission and vision - making the outdoors accessible to everyone, and building community. I’m pleased to see that over the last few months Power To Be has continued to thrive, with Power To Summit being so successful. I had a team in this community-building event, and it was a lot of fun nurturing my love for hiking, the outdoors, and for sharing both with others. I look forward to Power To Be’s next endeavours and adventures, and want to thank you so much for your support - you’re making a difference!

Power To Be’s Quarterly Impact Report – Q1 2024

As we begin our 26th year here at Power To Be, we are so happy to report some big progress with our program development and our brand-new certification as a Living Wage Employer. In the past few months, we have witnessed the lasting impact of hosting 23 environmental programs with many community partners as we look into the future together. We can’t wait for the adventures ahead - thank you for supporting our journey!

Sunshine, Watercolour, and Sam the Horse: A Weekend at Cold Water Ranch

One rainy day in November, an intrepid crew of Vancouver IA participants and staff set out on an overnight journey to Cold Water Ranch near Merritt, BC. The drive was slow but almost as soon as we turned off the highway towards our destination, the clouds broke, the sun peeked through, and we were greeted with beautiful blue skies.